YouTube is Getting Rid of Public Dislikes


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Now a thing of the past! Though that video has it and sitting at 21k :p
I bet Nintendo is partially responsible for that! Look at how many dislikes their SOS Expansion Crapack got!
Any video content posted on YouTube with lots of downvotes shows viewers dissatisfaction. If it satisfied it wouldn't receive downvotes.
I feel YouTube maybe trying to attract more big companies and political candidates like Donald Trump who don't want their videos downvoted by their haters who most likely will dislike their video because they don't like the company or political candidate.

At least, removing the dislike button can speed up website loading times on slower internet connections and slower devices like old cheap Android tablets because removing the dislike button means there will be one less button/picture, dislike graph, button link, and dislike button pressing script to load, so people viewing YouTube on a old cell phone or dial-up internet may have slightly faster video and website load times.
I think its from companies that get butt hurt when they get mass downvote, I think we should keep it.
YouTube included I guess. That end of the year recap thing they do was not popular (not sure if it was 2020 or the year before)
Tbf I don't mind so much but it does seem like it's an unnecessary change and Youtube have no doubt bowed down to pressure by their bigger content creators.
The biggest problem is that we just don't know how good a video is before watching it especially for things like tutorials and reviews. You kind of have to check out the comments to see if a video is good or not now
The biggest problem is that we just don't know how good a video is before watching it especially for things like tutorials and reviews. You kind of have to check out the comments to see if a video is good or not now
It’s annoying.
I’m not sure how it fixes people’s mental health by disabling the dislike feature they can still see it in the back end.
It’s annoying.
I’m not sure how it fixes people’s mental health by disabling the dislike feature they can still see it in the back end.
It's definitely done for the businesses rather than the regular YouTubers. This way, businesses don't get embarrassed when their videos show a large number of dislikes and still advertise on YT