What do you think about Biden' reelection?


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Donald Trump has been firing against Joe Biden as the later pushes for his way to being reelected as the USA president. The latest was Trump saying that Biden has some serious health issues. Do you see that affecting Biden re-election into office?
We need a younger person to run, Biden is not fit imo.
It really depends on who the republican nomination is. Like Biden is bad, but their are some really deranged people trying to run in 2024.
Hahaha! Why are you so confident of Trump losing?

Three indictments, two impeachments, , one attempts to subvert democracy, pardoning criminals left and right, trying to get his VP killed, covid disaster, and the fact that he's literally already lost to biden when he had the incumbent advantage and access to twitter which is why he won in the first place.
The corporate media likes to hide Hunter Biden's laptop incident and instead basically attack Trump over nothing. Gas prices have been higher on average since the war on energy, all the free money from Covid left a lot of people unable to pay their landlords now, that are planning on kicking them out, the US is going to be dependent on other nations for the things we could've done ourselves here like energy and pharmaceuticals, the border is wide open from the south with people that are going to be working for pocket change. Even worse is they go to the hospitals because the government will pay for their stay so they treat the nurses like crap. If anything needs to be getting done then trusty Joe is going to definitely make sure those gas prices are up, taxes are up, and bumble about while the deep state feeds him the lines.
Three indictments, two impeachments, , one attempts to subvert democracy, pardoning criminals left and right, trying to get his VP killed, covid disaster, and the fact that he's literally already lost to biden when he had the incumbent advantage and access to twitter which is why he won in the first place.
Trying to kill his VP? I never caught up with that one. How did it all happen?
Three indictments, two impeachments, , one attempts to subvert democracy, pardoning criminals left and right, trying to get his VP killed, covid disaster, and the fact that he's literally already lost to biden when he had the incumbent advantage and access to twitter which is why he won in the first place.

Well, valid points you made here. The first loss was a bit shocking to me back then.
I feel Biden has a good chance of winning against Trump. There are many news stories of Trump has been going to court very often because of hiding top secret documents at his resort, and a lot of people still remember how many people died or got sicked with Covid in the US because they got infected by Covid19 which could of been prevented if there was not a face mask shortage, hand sanitizer shortage, and better social distancing procedures if Trump took the Covid19 pandemic more seriously.
I feel Biden has a good chance of winning against Trump. There are many news stories of Trump has been going to court very often because of hiding top secret documents at his resort, and a lot of people still remember how many people died or got sicked with Covid in the US because they got infected by Covid19 which could of been prevented if there was not a face mask shortage, hand sanitizer shortage, and better social distancing procedures if Trump took the Covid19 pandemic more seriously.
Face masks have scientifically been proven to just be a virtue signal. It doesn't protect you from getting the virus. He sped up the ability to get the vaccines made, and that was a great call on his part not to go excessive with overspending on free Covid money to raise the debt our country already has had.
You know on second thought, Biden looks pretty likely to get voted out if a moderate repub is against him in the general election. Afghanisthan withrawl disaster + Ukraine forever war + lot of empty promises + Age + inflation and etc. But trump will make people vote against him like nothing else. He's probably the most hated politician in the US so if it's between trump and biden I'm not worried.
You know on second thought, Biden looks pretty likely to get voted out if a moderate repub is against him in the general election. Afghanisthan withrawl disaster + Ukraine forever war + lot of empty promises + Age + inflation and etc. But trump will make people vote against him like nothing else. He's probably the most hated politician in the US so if it's between trump and biden I'm not worried.
I think we need a new young guy to come out of left field.
It is truly incredible to see Trump not just on par with biden in polls, but even winning in them. You'd think drowning in court cases and asking for money to pay for his legal fees for his lies would make him an unelectable.
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