Views on websites which have no navigational bars or section?


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I think not having a sidebar is okay for forums since the frontpage has links to many sub-forum topics about different topics like games, tech, food, and forum news.

But, for websites like blogs, it can be annoying when there is no sidebar, header, or footer navigational bars which list categories of posts. Sometimes, I just want to read news about a certain category like gaming, and don't want to scroll past many posts about politics, current events, and money, etc on websites and blogs which cover many topics.

I hate websites which are like Tumblr, Twitter and Instagram where it is an endless scrolling homepage of posts about many topics, and there is no sidebar to make finding posts on one topics like gaming easier to do by clicking on a link. Using the built-in search engine, searching #hashtags, or needing to click on tags and categories on posts to find other posts on website is kind of annoying to do, and work better on websites with a lot of content like Twitter, YouTube, and Instagram where there are too many posts to categorize in a sidebar.
Oh, I totally agree with you here. I absolutely hate scrolling through a seemingly endless amount of posts and stuff like that. That's one of the reasons I don't use Twitter and Tumblr all that often.
Oh, I totally agree with you here. I absolutely hate scrolling through a seemingly endless amount of posts and stuff like that. That's one of the reasons I don't use Twitter and Tumblr all that often.

I also hate that a lot of these endless scrolling home pages don't keep its place after you go back to the homepage, so you sometimes need to re-scroll past the same articles until you reach an article title and description which you haven't read.
Those who hate to scroll hate to give their one finger exercise :p

But I don't mind as long as it works for the site.
I also hate that a lot of these endless scrolling home pages don't keep its place after you go back to the homepage, so you sometimes need to re-scroll past the same articles until you reach an article title and description which you haven't read.
The most annoying thing about Twitter is when you click to read the replies to a tweet and click the back button to go back to that tweet and it takes you to the page of the tweet author instead of the tweet page. At least that's what it does in desktop view. I've never tried the mobile app.
The most annoying thing about Twitter is when you click to read the replies to a tweet and click the back button to go back to that tweet and it takes you to the page of the tweet author instead of the tweet page. At least that's what it does in desktop view. I've never tried the mobile app.

That's annoying.

I think Instagram's desktop website is kind of annoying because it brings me back to the previous pictures which I clicked on instead of the homepage or the member's profile.
Heh... We should make our own social network and build its user interface according to our personal preferences...