Twitch Stops Paying Russian Streamers


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Russian streamers are receiving an e-mail that declares Twitch's intention of complying with the international sanctions related to the invasion of Ukraine, thus stopping their payments. This comes after a long series of measures already imposed on Russia, many of those coming from gaming companies, like the block on sales imposed by some of the biggest names in the video game industry.

Twitch does appear to leave a glimmer of hope for its Russian streamers, stating that it will do its best to proceed with the payments "once it will be allowed to do so." However, with the third round of ceasefire talks having amounted to little, there isn't much hope for a swift resolution of the conflict and, therefore, of the sanctions. To make matter worse for Russian users, a recent move by the government criminalized the "spread of fake news" regarding the Russian military, forcing the video-focused social network TikTok to temporarily suspend live-streaming and new content.

Many Russian streamers have declared their intent to continue streaming despite the lack of payment, perhaps hoping for a quick end of the international crisis.
Russian have been at the receiving end since their war emanated with Ukraine. They're the main antagonist that took war to Ukrainians, now they're reaping the consequences of war onslaught around Ukrainians.
I don’t understand why the Russian people have to pay for what their evil government is doing.
I think the same with u .Sanctioning the people will only increase tensions. Governments may change, but hostility from the people will remain.
Hopefully, Russian Twitch streamers can find other forms of income for the time being until Twitch decide to pay Russian Twitch streamers again.
I don’t understand why the Russian people have to pay for what their evil government is doing.
If it's an evil government then you should know why. Evil governments take and never give back.

I find this a great thing as it gives more streamers the opportunity to share the real news and then spread it to their followers. That being said not everyone goes to Twitch or TikTok for news as it can be neutral entertainment so it could just be moderated better on the newsfront instead of lazily doing the fastest most simple option.
It's a shame that the Russian people have to suffer because of their government and the decision of their leader and the cruel invasion of Ukraine but I guess there have to be some kind of repercussions especially to make the Russian people realize that their leader is not great as they may think.

Some people seem to worship the ground he walks on regardless of his actions and if something like this gets them realizing and thinking, it may be worth it.