Writing The Lost Ranger: Cruel, Cruel, World


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Steal Penalty
Steal Penalty
Steal Penalty
Steal Penalty
Steal Penalty
Chapter 3: Cruel, Cruel, World

Vickery and Piedmont watched as Calistoga went in. The two of them had observed as everyone else left, and were now in debate about what to do.

“I suppose that Calistoga will need our help leaving. But that would require us to be willing to help him.” Vickery stated.

“Well yes, but I kind of want to go down to Coalesce, see if Dante really did just walz into the vault at that bank.” Piedmont responded.

“You have to investigate shit now?” Vickery asked. “It's not the most outrageous claim, especially considering the fact that this was likely Dante's first robbery.”

“Yeah I know, but it's always good research. Hell, you and I wanted to rob that bank up at Port Douglas. Might as well learn some new tricks.”

“Nah, Port Douglas can wait. Besides, Dante will need protection once the law finds him. I'd rather help out a marked man than rob some seaport.”

“Alright, should we go down to Trenton then, wait for Dante to strike?”

“Yeah, let's go do that.”

The two demons rode off, finally making Calistoga alone in Somerset.

Calistoga, meanwhile, had entered The Ranger Outpost, his revolver in his hand. The three men inside all turned around and looked at him, with Bradlerek being the only one to respond.

“Old West, wait!” Bradlerek pleaded.

Risch Loherty pulled out his revolver and aimed it at Calistoga. The third man did nothing, and only chuckled.

“It seems that you learned of my location. Tell me, did you even go to my store?”

“No, Peterborough, I didn't.”

“A damn shame then. I had an ambush set up there. Well, shall we take this outside, no need to cause these two to die.”

“Oh, don't worry about them, Bradlerek is a friend of mine.”

“I know, but the five hundred I gave him to kill you would have soured things a bit. Unless, of course, he didn't tell you.”

Bradlerek raised his hands. “It's a cruel world, Old West, I only took the money to protect my life.”

Calistoga shook his head. “It is a cruel, cruel, world Bradlerek, I don't blame you. But…I can't just let you walk away now.”

“Oh, did I force your hand, Old West? Forgive me, but I might as well reveal my second hand. Risch, escort Bradlerek out, let me and Old West settle this.”

Risch stood up, and pointed his gun at Bradlerek. “Let's go.”

Bradlerek stood up, and looked at Calistoga, then began walking towards the door.

Calistoga blinked slowly and painfully, then faced Peterborough O'Halloran.

“I guess this is it.” Calistoga told him.

“Alright.” Peterborough said, as he stood up from his seat.

Calistoga breathed, then drew his gun. Peterborough was barely able to reach for his gun before Calistoga fired a bullet into his chest.

The gunshot was heard by Bradlerek and Risch, who had just left the store. The two of them quickly dashed across the street, and only stopped when they heard a body hit the store floor.

Calistoga soon exited the store, his revolver still in his hand.

Bradlerek gulped, and placed his hands together. “Come on, old pal, have a little mercy.”

Calistoga gave him the most desperate look in the world, then spoke.

“It's a cruel, cruel, world.”

A bullet struck Bradlerek in the head, followed by Risch getting struck in the chest by a bullet. The two men fell to the ground, the blood splatter on the wall behind them becoming the last sign of their existence.

Calistoga withdrew his gun, and left the bodies where they had fallen. He walked back towards the store, but stopped. He turned and faced the two men, staying still for only a moment, before walking back into the store.

Inside of the store, Calistoga searched for anything he could find. Soon, however, he left the store and got on his horse.

By now other people began to investigate the bodies, and had concluded that the incident was simply not worth investigating, mainly due to the fact that Calistoga would occasionally look into the eyes of any citizen that became too curious.

Calistoga rode out of town, and headed towards a place called Trenton. The only thing in his mind was the fact that Dante was going to be a part of a cruel, cruel, world.