SGF Posting Contest


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Full year of Nintendo Online
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It is June and that means it is gaming news month, our christmas season in a way! To celebrate, we will have a posting contest! And using our latest addon, I'm going to make it a post to point based contest.

So first off, to ensure nothing goes wrong during the contest (addon wise), I want anyone entering to post both their current post count and a screenshot of your post counter tab on your profile (see addon link above).

Then to win the contest, make posts!

Each new topic in the Summer Game Fest board is worth 10 points

Each reply in the SGF board is worth 6 points

Each topic or reply made any of the boards under the Video Game Media category is worth 4 points

Each topic or reply made any of the boards under the World of Gaming category is worth 3 points

Rest of the boards are just worth 1 point for any new topic or post.

You can be deducted points and warned if you make too many rapid short/spam posts.


1st place: 100 USD
2nd place: 50 USD
3rd place: 25 USD
4th and below: 1000 GL points

Not responsible for not getting full payment amount due to currency exchange. Must be able to receive payment via paypal or gift card (gaming, amazon, itune, ect), not offering any kind of cryptocurrency as payment. Any questions, feel free to message me.

So besides the contest, I have made the SFG board to focus all the news! If I see too much coming in, I may split it out into different boards like I did with E3, we'll see how crazy it gets this year.

Contest begins now and ends... July 1st 1 AM CST

Good luck everyone!