Introducing the game discussion area


GamingLatest Slave
Staff member
Full GL Member
With the conversion to Xenforo, one of the things we wanted to achieve was a better way to discuss video games. We found that we hold a lot of discussion on gaming news and systems, but don't really discuss much about actual games specifically. With Xenforo we have been able to put a huge focus on this and it is something that we really want to make a big part of the project.

In the Video Game Knowledge section you will see a forum area titled Game Discussion which will allow you to easily create threads based on a game or post in existing threads about games. The twist is that we have use a plugin that ties into so that when threads are created using a game ID or link from, a description of the game, screenshots, box art and trailers will also be posted in the thread. This makes it extremely easy to discuss and find out about games and we hope it encourages you to discuss specific games on our community. Threads can be created for almost any game in the database and you can pick which system you feature the game on.

The system also allows you to give each game a star rating.

Feel free to leave feedback below, go and enjoy the feature!
What a great feature.
I might have a hard time in understanding how to use this feature though -.-"