How do you relax/blow off steam when mad?


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Well, I was curious of methods other people use to calm down/relax.
listen to music, watch tv, or just basically do anything that will get me distracted.
sometimes just taking a moment to calm down, like laying down on the couch or taking a nap helps.
QUOTE (Midnight Sky @ June 11, 2009 09:15 pm) 3. Go on a drive out on the countryside.
thats close to what I do to blow off steam
I'm really good at staying calm but when I get
mad I get seriously pissed. My BFF who has only
seen me half pissed off at my mom says it's really
freaky when I get mad XD. So yeah to calm down
I normally like to make the person feel gulity
and lesser about themselves (I'm sorta mean
like that sometimes...) then I like to leave them
when they're apolgizing and either sleep. Write.
Or log and WoW and beat on some murlocs (god
I hate murlocs!).
I'll usually go for a jog, or else listen to music. Sometimes, both.
i listen to some fast-paced techno or play first shooter games. ahh i can feel the madness melting away at last. sometimes i just have a walk in the city to feel better.
sometimes i am really angry i throw things on the wall, but that's not good idea as the items and wall can get damaged from that. better do it outside then.