Cocoa bean price hits record high


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read from tweaktown:

Cocoa beans annual supply deficit between 300,000 and 500,000 tons: the largest shortfall in cocoa beans in over 60 years, prices skyrocket.

The last major cocoa tree planting spree happened throughout the early 2000s in West Africa, which, if you didn't think was important to the global cocoa business, you're wrong: West Africa counts for around 75% of the global supply of cocoa beans. After already bad weather amplified by the ongoing El Nino phase of the Pacific Ocean, cocoa trees throughout Ghana and the Ivory Coast have been decimated.

Fast-forward to today, and the world is heading to an annual supply deficit of between 300,000 and 500,000 tons of cocoa beans, the largest shortfall in over 60 years. Right now, the price of cocoa is more expensive than copper on the commodities market, and we're sprinting directly into Easter, which is when chocolate makers have now increased pricing for consumers after multiple years of subpar cocoa harvests in West Africa with another on the way.

It's like GPUs are made of Chocolate lol
I did notice in stores that Easter themed candy was more expensive than the normal versions, which is crazy odd.
I do Hope the cocoa bean price will go back to normal. I like chocolate too (without any sugar or sweeteners).
To be honest, when the holidays are over, marking things down would be the hardest for both the retailer and the source.
I wonder if the price of chocolate would be more affordable after Easter. Hopefully, the price of chocolate becomes lower.
Everything is going up so it's no surprise. I feel for the workers harvesting the cocoa beans. I'm sure their wages haven't went up!
That sucks, not that I eat it, but candy bars are $2+ where I live. I wonder what they are going to cost now? Thank God I don't eat them anymore, lol.
Good ol' American outsourcing.
We seem to do that with everything! Hard to find truly American Made! Even if it says "Made in USA", it can mean put together in the USA, not that the items were sourced right here.
That sucks, not that I eat it, but candy bars are $2+ where I live. I wonder what they are going to cost now? Thank God I don't eat them anymore, lol.
I find getting chocolate chips & melting them, then adding in ingredients can help with the chocolate fix. I've added in peppermint oil or nuts. Then let it cool in the fridge.
I saw a lot of cheap $1 to $2 large Easter Bunny shaped Chocolate being sold after Easter at a store. It is still possible for me to find cheap Chocolate if you look around.
I saw a lot of cheap $1 to $2 large Easter Bunny shaped Chocolate being sold after Easter at a store. It is still possible for me to find cheap Chocolate if you look around.
I saw them too, but they are hollow inside, and cheap chocolate. If you want the good stuff, you're going to have to pay for it.
I saw them too, but they are hollow inside, and cheap chocolate. If you want the good stuff, you're going to have to pay for it.

I think a lot of cheap chocolate also have caramel and cream filling which help reduce the price of Chocolate candy as well.