Buy or borrow?


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Do you buy your books or do you borrow books from the library?

If you buy books, do you go to a book store like Barnes and Noble or Books-A-Million? Or do you buy from a second hand book store?
I'd look on Amazon or eBay for books. Only if it's something I know or have seen from book reviewers on Youtube. Usually just for informing myself but I've never really wanted to read more than I got on Humble Book Bundles.
I borrowed more books in the past because I wanted to save money, and going to my local library is more convenient than going to the book store which is farther away from my home, and some book stores may not have the books I want to buy.
If I'm not sure that I'm going to like the book or not, then I'll borrow it from the local library.

If I'm getting an e-book, I'll normally get from Amazon. If I'm getting the physical book, then I'll get them from the local book store.
I am a bit selfish when it comes to books.
So I would always buy stuff and I don't really borrow stuff from others.... All my hobbies are expensive hobbies... No wonder I couldn't save much ;_;
If I know it’s a book I would want to keep to make notes in, I’ll buy it outright. More times than not however, I will have taken it out of the library to see if it would be worth my money. When I do buy books, I go to Ebay the most. Most sell near new books that are a bit cheaper than I would find at bookstores.
If I know it’s a book I would want to keep to make notes in, I’ll buy it outright. More times than not however, I will have taken it out of the library to see if it would be worth my money. When I do buy books, I go to Ebay the most. Most sell near new books that are a bit cheaper than I would find at bookstores.

I've never tried buying from Ebay. How fast does it get shipped to you?
I always buy books as I don't have to worry about returning the book on time, plus the book is mine forever.

This is me. I don't mind borrowing a book if I'm not sure if I'm going to like it or not. For example, I borrowed the "Lemony Snicket's Series of Unfortunate Events" from the library because that was a lot of books and I wasn't sure if I was going to like those books or not.

But I normally purchase my books because I don't have to worry about bring things back within a certain time limit and then trying to read the book within said limit. I can take however long I need to to read said book.
I don't read much so I just buy my books because I can read them at my own pace. And once I know I'm completely done with it, I usually just donate it for someone else to enjoy
I don't read much so I just buy my books because I can read them at my own pace. And once I know I'm completely done with it, I usually just donate it for someone else to enjoy

This is way I buy my books......I can read it at my own pace. I don't have to worry about getting the book back to the library before it's due date.
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Do you buy your books or do you borrow books from the library?

If you buy books, do you go to a book store like Barnes and Noble or Books-A-Million? Or do you buy from a second hand book store?

Buying is a better choice for me when it comes to some books.
I mostly do ebooks so I normally buy them, but I have used some ebook rental services in the past and they went well.