GL Update 1/3


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Full year of Nintendo Online
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It's a new month! It is a new year! And new updates on the GL forums.

Welcome everyone to the first forum update of the year! Glad to see everyone here survived the holidays, so let's get to it with....

---- Of the Month ----

Member of the month goes to Henrywrites Henrywrites for many great forum posts!

Topic of the month is: Is everyday similar for you?

---- December Awards ----

Top five posters of the month have gotten their tree like awards! Congrats! :)

---- The Year ahead ----

It is a new year for GL, we march towards our 16th birthday and right now I don't got many plans for the month ahead but hope to do something fun come spring. Please keep an eye on future updates for things to happen.

That's it for this update, a short one but more stuff to come in the near future. Have a safe new year everyone.

---- Stats ----

We currently have 494,158 posts and 4,291 members. In this last month we made over 4,726 posts! We also gained 4 active new members!

How did Gaming Latest do 2022 stat wise?!

Total Posts made: 32,481 (made 12,000 more posts!)

Total Members gained: 140

Very good year! :grin: Thank you everyone and let 2023 be another grand year!
Just to remind everyone to vote if you haven't already if you want a GL Swag Merch shop added to our forums. Poll closes This Sat Jan 07 2023
Just to remind everyone to vote if you haven't already if you want a GL Swag Merch shop added to our forums. Poll closes This Sat Jan 07 2023
Damn it, I missed out on taking part in the pool. I have had a rocky January.
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